Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sept 8th

Today I met my partner in person for the very first time. His name is Pan Zhifei and speaks a fair amount of English, but he can read English like non-other.
We started sharing information about ourselves to each other. I found out he is 20 and has 3 sisters and is originally from Jinan. Also that he is an animation major. He was very interested in the type of art I did so we spent a good amount of time comparing/showing our art.
We couldn't decide what to do our project on at that moment so we decided it would be best for both of us to think about ideas for when we would meet again in 2 days.
The campus they have is very beautiful, but not like Oregon. They have lots of surrounding mountain areas that look beautiful. Of course it appears a little rough around the edges, but what college campus isn't. After touring all the facilities we ate dinner then went back home.
Tomorrow we will be going to the mansion area of Confucius and then to Mt. Taian.

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